SHAKEOLOGY is designed to help you lose weight, increase energy, improve digestion/regularity and support your overall health combined with exercise program. Don't fall for those diet shakes that tells you you'll lose weight and keep it off if you just drink them. Eventually it'll all come back and haunt you more or you'll have a illness that you can't even stop, plus all the side effects. Bottom-line, You need to workout and eat a healthy diet no matter what and adding shakeology will help you meet your goal easier since it gives you abundant energy and nutrition for you to go on through the day.
*The SHAKEOLOGY program is simple : it consists of drinking this patented, superfood-enriched protein shake, combined with a well-balanced diet and three days of exercise per week with a minimum of 30 minutes of cardiovascular or strength training per workout.*
so with that said.
This is what SHAKEOLOGY has done for me...
1. Helped me with my 35 lbs weight loss
2. Helped me get off the path to obesity that I was on (due to the following things listed)
3. Helped me with lack of energy due to over exercising
4. Helped me with overall attitude toward living a healthier lifestyle
5. Helped me with craving junk foods
6. Helped me with saving grocery money (all sorts of other supplements that I'd have to take to get the same nutrition)
7. Helped me with finance because sharing really does send you into financial freedom, but that's another topic.
8. Helped me with having my daily serving of vegetables and fruits
9. Helped me save time making breakfast period.
10. Helped me to experience what a great feeling it is to help others and be thanked everytime my challengers achieve their goals. It's a great feeling!
Nutrition facts per bag:
1. calories are about 130-170 (varies by flavor)
2. 16-17 grams per serving of high-quality protein (sources , amounts vary by formula)
3. No more than 250 mg of sodium per serving
4. No artificial sweetners, colors, preservatives or flavors
5. No hydrogenated vegetable oils
6. Whey-based formulas fortified with 23 vitamins and minerals
7. Vegan versions (non-fortified) have a blend of high quality protein sources to deliver a complete protein with the proper amino acid profile, available for those who seek an alternative to animal protein.
8. Whey formulas contain 1.5 g- 2 g of fat per serving. Vegan formulas: 2g - 5g of fat per serving
9. Good source of fiber, with probiatics, prebiotics & digestive enzymes support healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients
10. Antioxidants and phytonutrients derived from whole plant and fruit sources.
Shakeology REALLY IS THE HEALTHIEST MEAL OF THE DAY! I eat WAYYYYY healthier than I used to eat...and probably healthier than most people, but I still feel a big difference in my energy level and all around well being if I don't have my shakeology. If you're interested in it, you should talk to me before buying it though! Beachbody does a different challenge pack (a combo that includes shakeology and a workout program) each month and most months you can get an exercise program WITH shakeology for way cheaper than if you bought them seperate.
Watch this video of the CEO of beachbody talking about shakeology! He makes a TON of good points here!
Click on the link right below to go to my shakeology website. There are TONS of success stories and other info if you want to find out more!
Click here to go to my shakeology website!

You want to get fit. But you don't want to join a health club -- it's too expensive, there's no gym convenient to you, or maybe you're just the independent type. Or perhaps you're already a gym member, but your schedule has been too manic for you to get away. Shakeology is new product. Get fit with him !